“Behind every successful woman is a tribe of other successful women, who have her back.” This is a quote that empowers a lot of women including me.

March 1 marks the beginning of a month-long celebration of National Women’s Month. It recognizes women’s contribution in the struggle for national independence, civil liberties, equality, and human rights. Through its initiatives and the efforts of various women’s organizations, our country takes part in the global campaign to advance gender equality and women empowerment.

Traditionally, women were considered to be full-time homemakers. Their responsibilities were to take care of their children and family. They didn’t have any role in a household earning. Over the years, the roles of women have changed. Women now bear a smaller number of children than they used to before. Most families now have one or two children. They even give birth to a child at a more mature age or not give birth at all. Women now have children even without marriage. Furthermore, women are now getting literate, and they are also pursuing higher education. This is creating an opportunity for them to work. They are also playing role in family decision-making. Women are no longer staying home full-time. They are going to the mall for shopping, paying bills, and doing all the works that only men used to do before. They are getting more involved in the outside works. Women now have a voice, unlike before. Families are no more male-dominated. Like men, women also make major life decisions. Women have stood against domestic violence. Even in the workplace, they fight against sexual abuse and equality.

Both men and women now share their responsibilities both home and outside. Women now stand against any discrimination and torture. There have been lots of gender-issue-related movements and many social organizations now fight for women’s rights. Education has made women independent and is no longer dependent on men to lead their lives. Women can now stand tall like men and get equal opportunities in everything.

I am one with all women in their efforts to promote gender equality and women empowerment and to protect the rights of women the world over. Happy Women’s Month!


(n.d.). Retrieved from Natonal Women's Hstory Alliance: https://nationalwomenshistoryalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/Womens-History-Month-300x153.jpg


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