Think Smart and Act Fast

Our country, The Philippines is prone to experience earthquakes. Why? Because it lies along the Pacific Ring of Fire, which is an area in the basin of the Pacific Ocean where a large number of earthquakes occur. As a result, earthquake and fire drills are observed in all places here in our country. The possibility of having an earthquake is inevitable.

A lot of earthquakes had happened in the past years, that only means one thing. There is a probability that the big one is coming. A 7.2-magnitude earthquake from the west valley fault. No one can predict when an earthquake will occur. We do not know how and when it will occur so it is best to be prepared. Being prepared can reduce the fear, anxiety, and losses that accompany disasters.

Earthquake drills and exercises are an extremely important part of a preparedness plan because they teach us students, teachers, and parents how to respond to the complications of an actual earthquake, and it will also help us to evaluate if our earthquake plan will work correctly. Because when a real earthquake happens, it will be too late to find some parts of the preparedness plan will not work. By taking part in this earthquake drill program we will have to think smart and act fast. In that way, many lives will be saved and injuries will be lessened.


Inquirer, P. D. (n.d.). Retrieved from pressreader:


  1. I like that you are aware that our country is vulnerable to earthquakes, which can lead to harmful effects not only for the people but also for the country. I fully agree that these drills help us to develop our plans in terms of preparedness. And we, undoubtedly, need to cooperate in doing these drills. Be safe and have a great day.

  2. Earthquakes are doubtlessly inevitable and inevitable. Earthquakes can happen anytime, specially that our country is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire. Because it is inevitable and unpredictable, the best option that we have to reduce it's effects is to be prepared. Through the cooperation of every single individual in our country, we could ensure our absolute safety. Your blog is very well done. Keep it up!

  3. I like how you started your blog by giving detailed facts and information to clearly understand the topic. Earthquakes are inevitable and the only way we can do is to be prepared. I agree that earthquake drills are a great help to develop plans and reduce further damage by being prepared. Well done!


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