Salus Populi Suprema Lex Esto


                                                                                                                           Kyla Mae Sanchez
                                                                                                                           Ilocos Sur
                                                                                                                           9th September 2020

Dear President Duterte,

My name is Kyla Sanchez, a mere teenager that is not yet eligible to vote. I write this letter to you on behalf of all the Filipinos who are sick and tired of your administration during this pandemic.

Here, Sir is a brief summary of why we despise the administration: When we asked you to ban flights from China last January 2020 because of the novel coronavirus. Health Secretary Duque rejected the idea of a temporary ban on Chinese tourists, saying it would spark “political and diplomatic repercussions.” And now we are on lockdown for six months without any concrete plan. Not to mention the 8.6 trillion debt of the Philippines which you said is not enough. Not even for mass testing, so that we can contain the virus. The second, was when you denied the ABS-CBN franchise resulting in millions of Filipinos out of job, making it harder for families to survive during this pandemic. Third, when you signed the Anti-terror bill that violates our human rights. Fourth, the taxpayers don’t know where their tax goes. Is it to the people? Or to your pockets? Fifth, when you granted “absolute pardon” to US Marine Pemberton for killing Filipino transgender woman Jeffrey “Jennifer” Laude. Sixth, when General Debold Sinas violated the community protocols when he celebrated his 55th birthday last May, but your administration asked the Filipinos to show compassion. This is a mockery of our legal and judiciary system. Who are you serving? Is it the people or yourselves?

We demand a genuine change in the system. We demand justice and accountability. If you really care for our beloved country, resign if you must.                                                                                                                                                                                           Thank you,

                                                                                                                            Kyla Sanchez




Google. (n.d.). Retrieved from Wikipedia:

Acayan, E. (n.d.). Google. Retrieved from Getty Images: Ezra Acayan/Getty Images

Aznar, J. (n.d.). Google. Retrieved from Getty Images:  

 Google. (n.d.). Retrieved from Wikipedia:




  1. A great and well-versed composition, good job!

  2. Nice message to the President! He must really focus on what our country needs. Keep up the good work.

  3. Good day Kyla! As I was reading your letter to the President I was amazed on how you point out or on how you specified those mistakes of our President. But anyways, I hope you would still remember the great things that our President Duterte did to our country, don't just look at the person's mistakes. That's all, God Bless!


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