
Showing posts from October, 2020

Ligtas Na Balik Eskwela

  This school year 2020-2021, parents are hesitated to enroll their child because of the virus. But then they have no choice because if they don’t enroll their child, their child will miss a year. A lot of students can’t afford internet connections. Or the internet is slow. That is why teachers right now are very understanding because we are all experiencing the same. Teachers are busy creating modules for us students so that we can still understand the lesson even though we aren’t seeing each other personally. It saddens me to think that people are struggling just to find a good signal for their online class. Some are climbing up a tree, even though it’s raining very hard. Some students even committed suicide because of the stress. College students are complaining about the tasks that their professors give them in a day. Some are having a mental breakdown due to the stress online classes are giving them. A lot of students, including me, are tired and not getting enough sleep but we


During the pandemic, a lot of Filipinos suffered. Most of us lost our jobs. We became dependent on the government. On their cash assistance, and relief goods. I saw a lot of Filipinos being creative during this pandemic just to save their livelihood. There were some who have lost their job and now working as food vendors. Some were working on a construction site. Some even started a small business. A lot of Filipinos were glorified because of how they were able to cope with this crisis. But the downside of this pandemic is that some people don’t have the opportunity to be creative. Filipinos were forced to sell their things in order to survive. Some were forced to leave their apartment because they can’t pay the bills. Some committed suicide because they can’t do it anymore. Why are Filipinos being glorified for how well they cope. It shouldn’t be, because the problem is the government.  They should be coming up with solutions by now. But their solution is to wait for the vaccine and

Salus Populi Suprema Lex Esto

                                                                                                                                Kyla Mae Sanchez                                                                                                                              Ilocos Sur                                                                                                                            9 th September 2020 Dear President Duterte, My name is Kyla Sanchez, a mere teenager that is not yet eligible to vote. I write this letter to you on behalf of all the Filipinos who are sick and tired of your administration during this pandemic. Here, Sir is a brief summary of why we despise the administration: When we asked you to ban flights from China last January 2020 because of the novel coronavirus. Health Secretary Duque rejected the idea of a temporary ban on Chinese tourists, saying it would spark “political and diplomatic repercussions.” And now we are on lockdown for

Extraordinarily ME

  Extraordinarily ME Who am I? What are the words that best describe me? How well do I know myself? These are the questions I keep thinking about. My answer to these questions is that I am an ordinary girl who lives an extraordinary life. My name is Kyla Mae R. Sanchez. My family consists of my mom, dad, and brother who is 10 years older than me. At a very young age, I became independent. Why? Because my parents are working abroad. They are attentive to our needs but they can be strict when they have to. They may not be financially rich, but they have a big heart. I don’t have a talent. Or maybe I have, it’s just waiting to be discovered. I’m not really good at sports. I can’t kick the ball nor serve the shuttlecock. I hate cats and dogs, but I am starting to be fond of cats. I am an ambivert. There are times when I like to be alone and times when I want to hang out with my friends. I’m a very friendly person judging from how I relate to my peers, children, and older people. I am